Faculty Funding Policies

NEW: Apply Online for CTF

Please use our new online application for Conference and Travel Funds. We're no longer using Adobe Sign.

In reviewing faculty applications, the committee considers criteria such as:

  • Value to the college in furthering current and future directions in curriculum, instructional methodology, online education and technology, student services and/or program/department coordination
  • Value to the individual in updating an instructional, student services, or management discipline
  • Presenting or speaking at a conference
  • An effective plan for disseminating and implementing information and skills acquired
  • Availability of augmenting funds and alternative activities

Awards for full-time and part-time faculty members are limited to a maximum of $2000 per person in any academic year (July 1–June 30). Part-time faculty members who teach at both De Anza and Foothill Colleges are allowed a maximum of $2000 total, district-wide.

Non-Transcripted Courses

Training/Retraining Funds 

Learn more about training/retraining funds.

Plan Ahead!

Please submit your application three to four weeks before the activity you wish to attend, in order to allow enough time for the submission and review process. Applications must be approved by the committee prior to travel.

Expenses that are covered

Funds are allocated to defray, in part, costs associated with:

    • Conference/workshop fees
    • Airfare or driving mileage to the event (maximum reimbursed is 300 miles driving or the equivalent economy airfare + car rental)*
    • Local mileage or public transportation to the event
    • Parking fees, ground transportation (taxis and shuttles)
    • Lodging, if 75 miles or more away from campus – no Airbnb or VRBO-type rentals are reimbursable*
    • Car rental, if applicable*
    • Meals not covered by registration fees. Estimate actual meals costs for your application using the maximums for per diem according to the district travel guidelines

* Please read the district travel guidelines for "reasonable" expense limitations for airfare, lodging and car rental

Expenses that are not covered

  • Other expenses not specified above.
  • Membership fees that are separate from conference registration fees.
  • Expenses incurred by one-year grant-funded faculty members: If the administrative supervisor verifies the length of position and that the grant will continue at least one year after the activity for which funds are requested, then grant-funded faculty members are eligible for conference funds.
  • Faculty members on Article 19, or on leave without pay, retraining stipends, or fellowships.
  • Part-time faculty members who have not yet achieved re-employment preference.
  • Enrollment in college or university credit courses.
    • Training/retraining stipends are available from the district.
    • Refer to your union contract, Article 35 and Appendix R, or call the district Human Resources office for more information.

Options to cover time away

Full-time and part-time faculty membrs may use either "Faculty Conference Days" and/or a "Professional Development Day" (FLEX days) for conference attendance during the regular academic year (fall, winter, spring quarters).

  • To do so, faculty members need to submit an Individual Proposal for Faculty Flex Day to their dean at least 5 working days before the conference.
  • See Article 27.3 and Appendix H4 in your FA Agreement for details, process, and timeline.

Full-time faculty members, and part-time faculty members with re-employment preference, may also use Personal Necessity Leave for attendance at professional conferences related to the teaching professional and/or one's area of assignment.

  • See Article 16.1 in your FA Agreement, and 16.2 if you part-time faculty.
  • If you have any questions or need to clarify anything in this article, please call the Faculty Association Office at 650-949-7544.
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