More About Villages

Want to know more about the Villages Initiative? Here are some answers to a number of questions you may have. You can also explore the student-facing Villages website at

  • What are the meta-majors? How were they determined?

  • How will students choose a meta-major? What about undeclared students? Can students change their minds?

  • Why Villages? What is the goal of the Villages? What will Villages provide?

  • Who belongs to each Village?

  • What will Villages be doing? Who is determining the programming?

  • What is the Welcome Day schedule?

  • What is the goal of Welcome Day for the Villages?

  • What types of activities are the Villages programming for Welcome Day?

  • If students are in Villages for Welcome Day, how will they learn about other programs or services?

  • How will students learn about Welcome Day and the Villages?

  • What are the majors within each Village? 

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