General Meeting Information

Date: April 18, 2024
Time: 3:30 p.m - 5:00 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    3:30-3:35 Approval of Minutes 3/21/2024 A Espinosa-Pieb/ Guitron
    3:35-3:45 College Council Membership A Nguyen, Newell, Garcia, Wong, Naung
    3:45-3:50 Report-outs  I Member Representatives

    Good of the Order/Quick News 

    I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Minutes approved.

    College Council Membership

    Members reviewed and discussed proposal 1 and proposal 2.

    Members motioned on changing the college council membership to reflect proposal 2 moving forward. Proposal 2 passed and Espinosa-Pieb accepted the recommendation as approved.


    Please read and share with your constituents.

    Classified Senate: They are in a nomination phase for next leaders. Garcia encourages to nominate colleagues, the deadline is tomorrow. Classified has a lot of feedback to provide to the chancellor in what we need in the next president and to learn more on the medical facility. The chancellor is open to attending a classified senate meeting.

    Office of the President: At the all-managers and supervisors meeting this morning, they had a conversation about supporting classified senate and encouragement from managers and supervisors to get people to join classified senate and other committees. The conversation will continue as there is a lot of interest from manages to work with classified senate together and have members join along with caring campus at a meeting. Senior staff is working on the reaffirmation document.  

    Office of Communications: Reminder on Quick News about enrollment day, there is a lots of RSVPs so far and a full house is expected. 

    Equity Action Council: Looking for two chairs, will be going to senates to ask for replacements. 

    Student success week- there are a few webinars from the chancellor's office, as well as anouncements from professional development.   

    • Tuesday- hosting a  lunch and learn: presentation from mallory on the status and data of  African-American students on campus and an enriching dialogue on how to move forward to continue to service and be a support to them.
    • Thursday: Virtual event only – student panel, to hear directly from students. 

    Equity Champion Awards- request for nominations to follow soon. 

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