General Meeting Information

Date: March 21, 2024
Time: 3:30 p.m - 5:00 p.m.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    3:30 p.m. - 3:35 p.m Approval of Minutes 2/15/2024 A Espinosa-Pieb/Guitron
    3:35 p.m. -  3:40 p.m College Council Approval Process I Espinosa-Pieb
    3:40 p.m. -  3:55 p.m

    College Council Membership

    I/D Nguyen, Newell, Garcia, Wong, Naung
    3:55 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Strategic Planning Implementation Update I Newell, Hearn, Spatafore 
    4:00 p.m. - 4:05 pm. Accreditation Update  I Newell
    4:05 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. Measure G Update  I/D Senior Staff/ Leadership
    4:20 p.m -  4:25 p.m.  Report-outs I Member Representatives
    4:25 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    Quick News 



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Minutes Approved.

    College Council Approval Process

    Upon College Council approval, the President will accept that recommendation. Unless specified and more time is needed, the President will let the members know, otherwise it will be considered approved.

    College Council Membership

    Garcia shared the proposal noting the representation of faculty, classified and students who worked on the proposal presented. There were questions and concerns on compositions, specifically to not reflecting on the handbook and definitions. Garcia noted the importance to have equality for each classification. Proposal 1 and Proposal 2 were discussed. Members will take the information back to their constituencies for a final read and bring back feedback to the April Meeting. This item will be brought back as an approval item at the May meeting.

    Strategic Planning Implementation Update

    Spatafore encouraged all to attend the Collegewide Strategic Planning Implementation Session on April 19, 2024 from 10:30 am to noon via zoom. A calendar invitation has been sent. Team leaders have been working on the strategic planning implementation; outreach, student center, instruction and services, equity, retention and civic and community engagement. Following the event people will be asked to:

    1. Please respond to the plan already made.
    2. Suggest a relevant addition in any of these areas.
    3. Whether they want to be part of the team leadership/implementation teams that are already developed.

    Spatafore noted that a lot of what De Anza is today; serving students, not only in the area but targeting regions, underserved students and many of learning communities emanated from the previous full on planning strategic purpose.

    Accreditation Update 

    Newell highlighted that the webpage includes a timeline of the process that we are currently in. Newell noted the townhall event with the accrediting peer review team and the campus, there were over 50 attendees. Newell let members know that they received, this morning the feedback/ core inquiries from the peer review team. Core inquiries are areas that they are going to interview people on campus when they do the site visit which is scheduled on October 1 & 2. The core inquiries can be reviewed here.

    Newell noted that the district also has to meet the same standards. The district did not at the time have a schedule process for updating and revising its policy. There was an email from Chancellor Lambert indicating the district will go under a formal cycle of reviewing their policies. The letter will be posted for all to read in detail. We do have an opportunity to respond to those before their meeting in the fall.

    Espinosa-Pieb thanked all who have been involved, specially Newell and Spatafore. Spatafore expressed kudos to Bailey for his magnificent work.

    Measure G Update 

    Espinosa-Pieb clarified that leadership as listed under the discussion leader section is anyone who may have had any conversations with their constituencies and everyone is welcome to share information.

    Espinosa-Pieb noted that there is a planned townhall, specifically to the medical center sometime in April. The Chancellor’s Office is working on scheduling and getting it on the calendar. There will also be a town hall on budget and one on the presidential search. Calendar invitations to follow.

    Regarding Measure G, Woodbury noted relaying the position from faculty of frustration of how long the process has taken and the fact that essentially, it is starting over one more time. There is conversation on how to communicate with the board and the drafting of a letter to express where they are at and what they hope comes from the next steps of conversations. Woodbury noted the discussion at Academic Senate on the three proposals that the Chancellor shared, essentially all take money away from De Anza.

    Espinosa-Pieb encourages all to speak up and noted that at the last board meeting, Woodbury read a statement that was well received, well written, and honest about how the campus is feeling. It is important for the board to hear how folks are feeling. Espinosa-Pieb noted that it matters to be advocates in this definite time when decisions are made. The board was to make a decision at the April meeting, Espinosa-Pieb and Woodbury reached out to the Chancellor to change the date so more people can attend the meeting. Chancellor Lambert did move this item to the May meeting.

    Garcia expressed from a classified lens concerns and feelings of unfairness and constant rejection.

    If anyone has questions for the town halls, please send them to their leadership/ constituencies; for Academic Senate to Woodbury and Guitron, for Classified to Garcia, etc. Ultimately, all questions are to be submitted to the Office of the President. The questions will be submitted to the Chancellor ahead of time.


    Please read and share with your constituents.

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