General Meeting Information
Date: February 24,
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255
This meeting will be held in a Hybrid modality, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader I. Call to Order
2:30 Welcome
Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.(Please complete your report out if you haven't already)
I All 2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from February 10th, 2025. I/D/A All 2:35-2:40 Public Comment
I All II. Consent Calendar
2:40 - 2:45 Consent Calendar: Hiring Committees (Attachment)
- Comparative Ethnic Studies Instructor
- Chemistry Instructor
- Humanities Instructor
I/D/A Guitron III. Needs and Confirmations
2:40 - 2:45 District and College Needs (Attachment)
I/D Guitron 2:40 - 2:45 Confirmations - None
I/D/A Guitron IV. New & Continuing Business
2:45 - 2:55 Quick Notes:
- Listening Project Help needed ASAP!
I/D Woodbury
2:55-3:30 Resolution in Support of Part-Time Faculty Compensation Equity (continued discussion)
I/D/A Tarikh 3:30-3:45 Discussion of Equity Rubric
Focus on Equity Rubric for Decision Making to FHDA document. We will work to identify outstanding questions or comments to take to the equity rubric authors.Reference: Equity Rubric presentation
I/D Woodbury 3:45 - 4:05 Introduction to Courses Into Disciplines and FSAs
Determining who can teach a course and what happens during a reduction in force.
Timeline for UpdatesI/D Woodbury 4:05 - 4:20 Update from GE Review Committee
I/D Woodbury
4:20 - 4:25 Good of the Order
Please review all report outs
I All 4:25 Adjournment
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
I. Call to Order
Erik Woodbury remind representatives to complete their report out
Approval of Agenda and Minutes from February 10th, 2025.
Veronica Acevedo moved, Cynthia Kaufman seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection. Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.
Public Comment
Ravjeet Singh has a student who asked her to send out an announcement to her class for the DASG election. Do they need special permission?
Victor Pham, DASG representative: Guidelines on campaigning or communicating with the student body. Student candidates are allowed to communicate with professors for their campaign.
Cynthia Kaufman: It should be fine as long as the faculty do the same for any student. Included in the message a disclaimer regarding endorsement.
Cynthia Kaufman suggested that the Senate president Erik Woodbury send a message to all faculty to encourage their students to vote in the DASG election.
Shagun Kaur: The J1 evaluation form has disappeared from the Adobe Workflow in the old MyPortal. There is a tab for the J1 form in the new MyPortal under forms and processes.
Erik Woodbury continued his highlights for Black History Month
The first African American diplomat, Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett was appointed U.S. ambassador to Haiti and the Dominican Republic by President Ulysses S. Grant. Bassett paved the way encouraging other Black Americans to join the diplomatic corps, notably Frederick Douglass. Bassett was a powerful advocate for racial equality after the Civil War.
Ishmael Tarikh thanked Erik Woodbury for the Black History highlights.
II. Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar: Hiring Committees (Attachment)
- Comparative Ethnic Studies Instructor
- Chemistry Instructor
- Humanities Instructor
Julie Hughes moved to approve the consent calendar, Jayanti Roy seconded. No objection. Consent calendar with hiring committees approved.
III. Needs and Confirmation
District and College Needs (Attachment)
Continue to get the word out about the need for at-large tenure review committee members.
IV. New & Continuing Business
Quick Notes:
Listening Project Help needed!
Erik Woodbury sent emails to recruit volunteers for this project. He did not get enough volunteers for both days this week. He postponed the event out two weeks to get more involvement from the campus community and recruit more volunteers.
The Listening Project will be scheduled for Thursday and Friday, 9 am-1 pm. They are looking for volunteers for 1 to 2 hour shifts. The volunteers will be active listeners and facilitators.
Shagun Kaur asked about training and guidelines for the facilitators and active listeners. It is often a challenge to just sit and listen.
The training will be based on guidelines from the sidewalk project about how to be an effective active listener. The sidewalk project is a community project where they encourage people to go out and do active listening. Michelle Hernandez who is familiar with the sidewalk project has volunteered to help facilitate. Michelle and Erik will be present to help guide the listeners on how to just listen and not offer advice.
The event is open to anyone in the campus community. They want to hear from everyone since these are challenging times for all. They would like to have volunteers from the entire campus, faculty, classified, administrators and students.
Representatives, please communicate and help recruit participation from their constituents.
Resolution in Support of Part-Time Faculty Compensation EquityIshmael Tarikh expressed appreciation for all the feedback received. He shared the seventh iteration of the resolution.
The resolution has been streamlined down to four whereases and one resolve. Ishmael incorporated a vast majority of the suggestions. For example, the elimination of the reference to Appendix G for calculating hourly compensation.
Mary Pape moved to adopt. Cynthia Kaufman seconded.
Discussion and Clarification
Who does the compensation apply to?
The compensation applies to part-time faculty serving as representatives in any shared governance group in a designated part-time seat. Currently, this definition applies to 3 part-time faculty representatives, 2 part-time at-large Senate representatives and 1 RAPP part-time faculty representative.
It does not apply to part-time faculty serving as division representatives. Nor does it apply to part-time faculty serving in a seat that is not designated for part-time faculty. In the future, there should be discussions about encouraging more faculty, full time and part-time to engage in committee work. They will explore adding more part-time faculty designated seats in shared governance committees to bring in their perspectives and viewpoints.
The fiscal reality was that the Senate does not have enough funds to cover the increased compensation. They missed the second resolve that advocated an effort to get this compensation funded outside the Senate resources.
The current draft took out the resolve regarding the funding source for the compensation.There was a proposal to put back the second resolve on funding.
The body worked together to add the following as the first resolve:
RESOLVED, that the Academic Senate will work with the Faculty Association, and Administration to identify and secure budgetary sources to fund compensation for Part-time Faculty college wide shared governance committee work performed.
The following is the final second resolve;
RESOLVED, that the paragraph titled “Part-time Faculty Stipends” of ARTICLE VI of the By-laws of the De Anza College Academic Senate be changed forthwith to “Part-time Faculty Compensation”; and that the current language be amended forthwith to read: “The two Part-time Faculty at-large Senators, and any Part-time Faculty elected or appointed to serve as a designated Part-time faculty representative on any shared governance committee shall each receive a $750.00 quarterly stipend”. The effective application of these changes shall be Fall Quarter 2025.
Erik Woodbury: Approve the final draft by acclamation. Cynthia Kaufman seconded. All yay. Resolution approved by acclamation.
Special appreciation to Ishmael for his work as part-time faculty for Part-Time Faculty Compensation Equity.
Discussion of Equity Rubric
Focus on Equity Rubric for Decision Making to FHDA document.
The Senate continued their discussion to identify outstanding questions or comments to take to the equity rubric authors.
Reference: Equity Rubric presentation
There was a question to identify “the other disproportionately affected students” mentioned in the slide presentation.
There were concerns over how the application of the rubrics may negatively impact ongoing partnership with community partners that provided opportunities for students.
The rubric is optional, not mandatory. They are tools for conversation, not there to prohibit activities. It can be a good filter for third party participation to avoid conflict where students may feel uncomfortable, such as having border patrol invited to a career fair.
The rubrics are meant to be a lens to make events more accessible, inclusive, and equity minded. Also, a tool and support to address equity in event planning.
There were questions about how and where to apply the rubrics. How is the designation for an event equitable as positive reinforcement versus negative consequences for events not using or meeting the rubrics.
There were concerns over negative reinforcement of suggestions as requirements leading to punitive measures.
This should be a tool to use as much or as little as appropriate.
Shagun Kaur suggested using part of rubrics to address oppression and equity in other spaces, such as the classroom
Cynthia Kaufman moved to approve, Sherwin Mendoza seconded.
Questions and Discussion.
There were concerns. It is a new tool. How was it going to work out? Is it appropriate as an optional tool to evaluate? Something that started out as optional may become required.
Difficult to implement, like walking on a tightrope, easy for relationships to unravel. There are thorny issues in applying an internal rubrics with external partners with controversies and not being in violation of the rubrics.
It should be clearly stated that the rubric is not mandatory. Its intent was to create a conversation, a robust dialogue.
It should be approved as a friendly guidance tool for decision making, flexible in application and implementation; inclusive, not exclusive.
Wanted more clarity on what was being approved. The 15 page document or something else?
This discussion will continue as an action item next week.
Introduction to Courses Into Disciplines and FSAs
Erik Woodbury explained the differences between disciplines and FSA and how they affect faculty.
Disciplines make sure instructors have the requisite knowledge and skills to teach each class. FSAs determine what your options are if your position gets eliminated. Eligibility to teach a course is determined by discipline, so faculty should carefully select disciplines to ensure qualified instructors teach each class.
There was also a discussion on Dual Enrollment.
Update from GE Review Committee
See presentation.
Good of the Order
Please review all report outs
Mary Pape motioned, Cynthia Kaufman seconded, to adjourn, no objection.
In person
Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee
Veronica Avila Acevedo, James Adams, Viviana Alcazar, *Sam Bliss, James Capurso, Barbara Dahlke, Umar Douglas, Mark Hamer, Kevin Glapion, Lauren Gordon, Julie Hughes, Rusty Johnson, Cynthia Kaufman, Shagun Kaur, Mark Landefeld, Lisa Mesh, Alicia Mullens, Mary Pape, *Victor Pham, Christian Rodriguez, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Leah Smith, Sukhjit Bob Singh, James Tallent, Ishmael Tarikh, Lianna Wong
Mary Donahue, Sherwin Mendoza, Ravjeet Singh
*Deborah Armstrong, Umar Douglas, Leah Smith
*Non-voting members
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Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 849 1703 5338
Passcode: 882827
Member | Remote Location | In District? |
Mary Donahue | MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Ravjeet Singh | F21-M, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Sherwin Mendoza | MCC-14, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |