2024 Information


Please read carefully before continuing:

  • You must work for a minimum of three hours per day.
  • Your shift time must be the same for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!
  • When the quarter ends, you must re-apply to De Anza Dining Services. This includes current student workers.

Steps to becoming an employee:

  1. Fill out a student employment application form. Either email it to phanhuynh@fhda.edu or bring the printed form into the dining services office located on the north side of the Hinson Campus Center.
  2. If you are accepted, come into the dining services office and talk to Patrick Gannon, mentioning a letter of employment.
  3. If you have a Social Security Number (SSN), skip to step 5.
  4. Bring the letter to the International Student Programs office (ISP) or send them an email with the letter attached. They will provide you a packet to send to the Social Security Office.
  5. Once you have your SSN, inform dining services and we will contact financial aid.
  6. Either financial aid or dining services will send you the "Student Employment Packet". Please fill it out and return it.
  7. Wait to be added to the system.
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