De Anza College Welcome Day | Discover Your Village | Sept. 20, 2024

This email was sent to new and continuing students whose majors align with the Language and Communication Village

Aug. 29, 2024

Welcome to Your Village!

Dear Student,

Language and Communication Village logoWelcome to the Language and Communication Village at De Anza!

You’re invited to learn more about your Village – and meet other students and instructors – during the on-campus Welcome Day event on Friday, Sept. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon.


Your Village is based on your declared major, and it’s where you’ll find a supportive community of students, faculty and staff members who share your academic interests. Each Village will offer events, resources and fun activities, keyed to your major and related subjects, through the school year.

Along with learning about your Village, Welcome Day is a great opportunity to check out other programs, services and activities that are part of the whole college experience at De Anza. Plus, you'll be able to

  • Take a campus tour and find your classrooms
  • Get answers to questions about registration and financial aid
  • Pick up a free T-shirt and enter a drawing to win one of several great prizes!

Be sure to stop by your Village tent on the Main Quad during Welcome Day, or visit your Village Center from 11 a.m. to noon. And don’t worry: You’re free to change your major, and your Village, at any time. (Learn more at

We'll be posting a complete schedule of Welcome Day activities soon at, where you can sign up now to attend this event!

Best wishes,
De Anza College

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