Develop and Expand CTE Programs in High-Demand Areas

Aligned with: Goal 1: Outreach to historically underserved populations

The action plan will target pockets of enrollment growth by developing or enhancing low-overhead CTE areas and attracting non-traditional learners including adult education students. This will require a review of labor market data and an inventory of programs at neighboring colleges to determine need and demand. Once the program(s) has been identified, personnel may need to be hired. Curriculum and certificate and degree pathways will need to be developed. The program will need to be marketed and recruitment will take place.

Lead: Randy Bryant

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

  • Explore employment projections (Silicon Valley Index economic data and job projections for reference)
  • Identify 3-4 potential, high-demand, low-overhead programs not currently offered. Potential areas to explore include: Generative AI in CIS, Physical Therapy Assistant A.S. in KNES, Drone license in Creative Arts, Forensics Lab in ADMJ or Industrial Automation in DMT
  • Conduct an inventory of programs at neighboring colleges to identify need and demand

Winter 2025

  • Develop curriculum, course outline of record, learning outcomes
  • Establish a CTE advisory board
  • Develop certificate or degree pathways
  • Seek RAPP approval to hire faculty

Spring 2025

  • Secure physical space if needed
  • Purchase equipment
  • Develop program maps and outline schedule for offering courses to maximize completion

Fall 2025

  • Hire personnel - if necessary and train
  • Partner with Outreach, Adult Ed, Dual Enrollment to recruit and refer students to the program
  • Work with the Office of Communications to develop a marketing plan and video for the program
  • Partner with Counseling, Resource Hub, Tutoring Center, and Guided Pathways Village to make individuals aware of the new program and projected student needs.

Winter 2026

  • Begin offering courses
  • Offer program events and activities in the Guided Pathways Village

Spring 2026

  • Continue to recruit and promote the program
  • Ongoing evaluation, reflection and improvement

Fall 2026

  • Continue offering courses
  • Assess learning outcomes
  • Make adjustments as necessary

Winter 2027

  • Continue offering courses

Spring 2027

  • Continue offering courses
  • Assess learning outcomes
  • Review outcomes data
  • Make adjustments as necessary

Fall 2027

  • Continue offering courses
  • Assess learning outcomes
  • Make adjustments as necessary

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