Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change
Develop and Expand Relationships With Community-Based Organizations and Maintain a Repository

Develop a clear, well-curated, well-maintained and well-promoted database where students can find internships, jobs and leadership opportunities. Expand the number and depth of relationships with organizations. Create a website to promote the database to students and external organizations.

Lead: Cynthia Kaufman

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

  • Work with the Office of Communications on developing a database to house internships, job opportunities, etc.
  • Meeting with VIDA, CTE and Internship Coordinator, Communications and others to review current lists of organizations and what should be added to the database as of now.
  • Determine who will do what, who will be the POC and for what areas.
  • Determine additional organizations and identify types of organizations (e.g. environmental, immigration, etc) we can outreach to.
  • Build out database.
  • Create website.

Winter 2025

  • Make database and website live. Promote widely.
  • Invite existing and new potential partners to take part in VIDA Project Fair and be community partners for civic engagement courses where students can be supervised to do their required 12 hour volunteer requirement. Other opportunities can include inviting community partners to take part in career panels, campus talks on specific issues they advocate on, etc.
  • Secure resources and partnerships for students interested in careers in social change.
  • Determine ongoing plan for promotion of website and database internally and externally.

Spring 2025

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Fall 2025

  • Establish an annual process for updating the database to ensure it is current, relevant and timely.

Winter 2026

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Spring 2026

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Fall 2026

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Winter 2027

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Spring 2027

  • Continue to promote internally and externally.
  • Continue to build relationships and add to the database.

Fall 2027

Evaluate. Determine if the project is sustainable and meeting its intended outcomes. Adjust accordingly.

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