Middle School Outreach

De Anza is starting to build up more relationships with middle schools. This can allow the college to participate more in outreach events while we also start sharing information with middle school students about dual enrollment for when they transition to high school.

Lead: Stacy Carasco, Outreach Office

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Towards the end of the school year the Office of Outreach should be connecting with the middle school counselors again to find out if any of their students are interested in enrolling as a dual student during their freshman year so then we can connect directly with them to walk them through the process.

For our district, students must be already in high school to join the dual enrollment program, this will be during the Fall Quarter.

Fall 2024

By the start of Fall 2024, the Outreach Specialist should start reaching out to middle school counselors to find out if they might be interested in hosting a tabling event or a presentation for their students.

Winter 2025

Spring 2025

Towards the end of the school year the Office of Outreach should be connecting with the middle school counselors again to find out if any of their students are interested in enrolling as a dual student during their freshman year so then we can connect directly with them to walk them through the process.

For our district, students must be already in high school to join the dual enrollment program, this will be during the Fall Quarter.

Fall 2025

By the start of Fall, the Outreach Specialist should start reaching out to middle school counselors to find out if they might be interested in hosting a tabling event or a presentation for their students.

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Towards the end of the school year the Office of Outreach should be connecting with the middle school counselors again to find out if any of their students are interested in enrolling as a dual student during their freshman year so then we can connect directly with them to walk them through the process.

For our district, students must be already in high school to join the dual enrollment program, this will be during the Fall Quarter.

Fall 2026

By the start of Fall, the Outreach Specialist should start reaching out to middle school counselors to find out if they might be interested in hosting a tabling event or a presentation for their students.

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Towards the end of the school year the Office of Outreach should be connecting with the middle school counselors again to find out if any of their students are interested in enrolling as a dual student during their freshman year so then we can connect directly with them to walk them through the process.

For our district, students must be already in high school to join the dual enrollment program, this will be during the Fall Quarter.

Fall 2027

By the start of Fall, the Outreach Specialist should start reaching out to middle school counselors to find out if they might be interested in hosting a tabling event or a presentation for their students.

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