Professional Development: Infusion of Equity-Mindedness into Online Pedagogy

Equity Plan Re-Imagined: Develop rich and ongoing professional development opportunities that focus on deepening equity-mindedness for all employees, including...

  • Deeper training to infuse equity-mindedness into online pedagogy

Lead: Michelle Hernandez & Sal Breiter

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources, The Student Learning Outcome Committee, The Academic Senate and The Office of Professional Development will begin a collaborative process of identifying meaningful content for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and will begin to design and plan both required and optional trainings and workshops for the 2024-2024 academic year.

Spring 2024

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources, The Student Learning Outcome Committee, The Academic Senate and The Office of Professional Development will continue a collaborative process of identifying meaningful content for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and will begin to design and plan both required and optional trainings and workshops for the 2024-2024 academic year. The Academic Senate and the Faculty Union, in collaboration with the Office of Online Education, will work to build the expectations and requirements for RSI training for faculty teaching online. The Office of Online Education and and The Office of Professional Development will work to build curriculum and training for new full-time faculty as part of their FYE experience.

Fall 2024

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Student Learning Outcomes Committee, will introduce/pilot workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The 2024-2025 academic year will serve as a incubator for continuing to innovate and cultivate capacity for dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. In addition, The Office of Online Education, in collaboration with Academic Senate and the faculty union, will be establishing required trainings for faculty teaching online in RSI (Regular Substantive Interaction) to ensure the quality of online education at De Anza College.

Winter 2025

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Student Learning Outcomes Committee, will introduce/pilot workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The 2024-2025 academic year will serve as a incubator for continuing to innovate and cultivate capacity for dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. In addition, The Office of Online Education, in collaboration with Academic Senate and the faculty union, will be establishing required trainings for faculty teaching online in RSI (Regular Substantive Interaction) to ensure the quality of online education at De Anza College.

Spring 2025

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development,in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Student Learning Outcomes Committee, will introduce/pilot workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The 2024-2025 academic year will serve as a incubator for continuing to innovate and cultivate capacity for dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. In addition, The Office of Online Education, in collaboration with Academic Senate and the faculty union, will be establishing required trainings for faculty teaching online in RSI (Regular Substantive Interaction) to ensure the quality of online education at De Anza College.

Fall 2025

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Winter 2026

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Spring 2026

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Fall 2026

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Winter 2027

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Spring 2027

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.

Fall 2027

  • The Office of Online Education and Learning Resources and The Office of Professional Development, in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, will host innovative workshops and workshop series for that develop faculty capacity for infusing equity-mindedness into online pedagogy and that offer dynamic, meaningful and transformative opportunities for faculty to make their online environments more dynamic and equitable. These workshops will be designed for and marketed to various faculty constituency groups, including targeted content as part of the first year tenure-track faculty on-boarding process. The Office of Online Education will hold regular required trainings in RSI for faculty teaching online to ensure that De Anza's online courses are engaging and equitable.
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