Create a One-Stop Center

Establish a fully functioning, campuswide, one-stop center for all student needs with satellite services at the six Village centers.

Lead: Nazy Galoyan and Rob Mieso

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Team proposes draft plan to college.

Team to ask for volunteers to participate. Team also asks for incentives/funding for student, staff/faculty participation in studies and deliverables. The team will be tasked with

  • Identify and connect with programs/departments to learn about programs efforts to increase retention by staff and faculty
  • Work with IR to identify to programs (i.e. learning communities, majors of study, etc.) with high completion rates
  • Help with focus groups (develop content, logistics, summarize finding)
  • Identify and connect with students to learn about their experience
  • Map out attrition points in the student experience
  • Identify strategies to address attrition points to improve retention

Identify team members and tasks. Agree upon timeline for deliverables.

Begin planning for study of the student experience at De Anza

  • Work with IR to identify to programs (i.e. learning communities, majors of study, etc.) with high completion rates
  • Interview special programs (learning communities, EOPS, ISP, etc.) staff/faculty about their support structure/program and learn what works, and what can be improved upon
  • Outline focus group structure (develop content, logistics, summarize finding)
  • Convene focus groups for special program staff/faculty--understand all supports: inside classroom, outside classroom, etc.

Fall 2024

Start to study any current retention efforts at De Anza

  • Convene focus groups for special program staff/faculty--understand all supports: inside classroom, outside classroom, etc.

Winter 2025

Continue studying any retention efforts at De Anza

  • Convene focus groups for special program staff/faculty--understand all supports: inside classroom, outside classroom, etc.

Outline student voices focus group structure (develop content, logistics, summarize finding)

  • Define student population and study "Who is getting left behind" through a student focus group
  • Define the needs of students (i.e. financial aid, internships, basic needs, sense of belonging) and study "What is getting in their way of achieving their educational goal?" through a student focus group

Spring 2025

Start researching and understanding student success foundations and attrition points students face in meeting their goals by capturing student voices

  • Define student population and study "Who is getting left behind" through a student focus group
  • Define the needs of students (i.e. financial aid, internships, basic needs, sense of belonging) and study "What is getting in their way of achieving their educational goal?" through a student focus group

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Reflect on information gathered.

Begin writing student experience recommendations to college.

  • This may include professional development opportunities for faculty to develop best practices for the classroom, need for student messaging or resources, etc.
  • Deliverables might also include: best practices for student retention for Student Service; best practices for student retention for the classroom, etc.

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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