Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change
Increase Capacity for Community and Civic Focused Curriculum Across Disciplines

Create a Canvas repository of resources and curriculum that addresses roots of civic learning and social change from faculty engaging in this work. By compiling examples of civic capacity and social change activities, articles, text and assignments from disciplines across the campus, faculty will have access to these content within Canvas to import into their shell. These easily accessible resources can infuse civic capacity and social change across disciplines in an effort to ensure our students are empowered to be agents of change within their communities, regardless of their field of study or discipline.

Through a community of practice, create space to connect on these issues and expand the number of faculty integrating this work into their curriculum.

Clearly define and promote the connection between this work and the Engaged course designation to help expand the number of Engaged course offerings across disciplines and increase resources available to faculty teaching these courses.

Lead: Cynthia Kaufman

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Convene a team to work on this idea. Develop a survey or form to identify faculty members who are incorporating civic engagement work into their courses.

The survey tool should include examples of how courses are currently incorporating these aspects and diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) practices into their curriculum so faculty know what is being asked of them. Administer the survey by the end of the quarter. Create a canvas shell to serve as a repository for resources and curriculum that other faculty can integrate into their courses.

Winter 2025

Use the survey tool to begin to reach out to faculty and encourage them to share their resources/curriculum to load into the repository.

Begin loading resources/curriculum into the repository. Host the first brown bag event/workshop to get faculty together who responded to the survey to begin talking about integrating civic engagement into the curriculum.

Spring 2025

Convene an additional workshop/brown bag event to continue to build community and awareness around civic engagement. Provide a presentation to the deans/academic senate share the repository and community of practice to raise awareness around the initiative. Encourage participation for ongoing sharing of resources and integration of practices in other disciplines. Continue to work to grow the community. Promote the connection between this curricular work and Engaged courses sections, encourage faculty to designate their courses as E courses.

Fall 2025

Administer the survey again to see if any additional faculty are willing to share resources/curriculum. Continue to update and add to the repository. Plan and implement a community of practice event to take place each quarter to bring people together and talk about curriculum and resources. Present to deans and academic senate again to remind them of the repository and showcase any new resources.

Winter 2026

Hold a community of practice event.

Spring 2026

Hold a community of practice event.

Fall 2026

Administer the survey again to see if any additional faculty are willing to share resources/curriculum. Continue to update and add to the repository. Plan and implement a community of practice event to take place each quarter to bring people together and talk about curriculum and resources. Present to deans and academic senate again to remind them of the repository and showcase any new resources.

Winter 2027

Hold a community of practice event.

Spring 2027

Hold a community of practice event.

Fall 2027

Administer the survey again to see if any additional faculty are willing to share resources/curriculum. Continue to update and add to the repository. Plan and implement a community of practice event to take place each quarter to bring people together and talk about curriculum and resources. Present to deans and academic senate again to remind them of the repository and showcase any new resources. Create and administer a new survey to determine the degree at which faculty have integrated civic engagement into their curriculum as a result of the action plan.

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