Ensure Accountability for Equity Plan Implementation

Equity Plan Re-Imagined: Create a new accountability team (established by the administration) to review implementation progress of the equity plan.

Action Plan: Charge the College Council with reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the equity plan and with providing guidance, support and resources as requested by the Equity Action Council. Use the regular reporting to College Council as an opportunity for updates, feedback, buy-in and resources.

Lead: Michelle Hernandez

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Begin regular updates to College Council on Equity Plan implementation. Use it as an opportunity to seek input, feedback, buy-in and resource requests for this work.

Fall 2024

Winter 2025

Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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