Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change
Increase Number of Engaged Learning Sections Across Disciplines

Improve awareness and support for engaged learning classes ('E' designated) in order to increase the number of faculty teaching engaged learning sections. Through integration with the Action Plan: Increase Capacity for Community and Civic Focused Curriculum Across Disciplines, utilize the community of practice model to increase awareness of and resources for E designated courses. Add internships, campus opportunities and community partnerships that can be used for E designated courses to the newly developed repository in Action Plan: Develop and Expand Relationships With Community-Based Organizations and Maintain a Repository.

Lead: Cynthia Kaufman

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Identify resources that can be added to the repository under the Action Plan: Develop and Expand Relationships With Community-Based Organizations

Develop talking points and presentation materials that clearly define what an E designated course is and why the work is connected to community and civic work.

Identify faculty already teaching E designated courses and invite them to be a part of the community of practice.

Winter 2025

Add resources for Engaged learning to the Canvas Module developed under Action Plan: Increase Capacity for Community and Civic Focused Curriculum Across Disciplines

Work with Admissions and Records to develop a mechanism for "Community Engaged Scholar" designation to be on student transcripts, possibly as a badge.

Train faculty in the community of practice on how to make their classes eligible for the Environmental Sustainability and Global Citizenship requirement.

Spring 2025

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Continue to work with Admissions and Records to develop a mechanism for "Community Engaged Scholar" designation to be on student transcripts, possibly as a badge.

Fall 2025

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Continue to work with Admissions and Records to develop a mechanism for "Community Engaged Scholar" designation to be on student transcripts, possibly as a badge.

Winter 2026

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Spring 2026

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Fall 2026

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Winter 2027

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Spring 2027

Continue to offer training through the communities of practice and add to the existing repositories.

Fall 2027

Evaluate the number of E designated courses offered across campus, if there is any change as a result of the action plan.

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