Develop Equity Criteria for Budget Decisions

Equity Plan Re-Imagined: Build a balanced budget that institutionalizes equity and includes increased investments in strategies that will help achieve student success and equity goals, even if reductions in overall expenditures become necessary.

Action Plan: Through engagement with governance committees, ensure that budget and resource decisions are aligned with the college mission, Educational Master Plan and Equity Plan Reimagined. See what RAPP is currently using for criteria.

Lead: Michelle Hernandez

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Winter 2025

Winter 2025 begin development of criteria to be used with budget discussions.

Spring 2025

Spring 2025 meet with governance groups (BAC, RAPP, College Council) to talk about how the criteria can be used/incorporated into decision-making and budget decisions.

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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