Professional Development: Train the Trainers

Equity Plan Re-Imagined: Develop rich and ongoing professional development opportunities that focus on deepening equity-mindedness for all employees, including...

  • “Train the trainers” to build campus capacity for training all new hires (classified, faculty and administrators) that would model equity-mindedness by including a discussion about equity, racial equity goals and initiatives during orientation.

Lead: Michelle Hernandez & Sal Breiter

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

  • The Equity Office, the Presidents Office, and Faculty/Classified Professional Trainees will participate in "exposure days" with the National Coalition Building Institute to implement a "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College

Spring 2024

  • The Equity Office, the Presidents Office, and Faculty/Classified Professional Trainees will implement a National Coalition Building Institute "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College consisting of ongoing monthly meetings and workshops. In addition, The Equity Office will complete the hiring process to hire a Faculty Coordinator of Equity, who will become a pivotal participant in the process of centering equity-mindedness into training for new hires.
  • Discussed with Dean, Equity at FH about a joint opportunity to engage USC's Equity Minded Institutes

Fall 2024

  • The Equity Office and the Office of Professional Development will collaborate to pilot ideas and strategies for centering equity-mindedness into New Employee Orientations. The Equity Office, the Presidents Office, and Faculty/Classified Professional Trainees will implement a National Coalition Building Institute "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College consisting of ongoing monthly meetings and workshops with the intention of bringing the trainers into the on-boarding process for new employees based on what is learned during the New Employee Orientation pilot process.

Winter 2025

  • The Equity Office and the Office of Professional Development will collaborate to pilot ideas and strategies for centering equity-mindedness into New Employee Orientations. The Equity Office, the Presidents Office, and Faculty/Classified Professional Trainees will implement a National Coalition Building Institute "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College consisting of ongoing monthly meetings and workshops with the intention of bringing the trainers into the on-boarding process for new employees based on what is learned during the New Employee Orientation pilot process.

Spring 2025

  • The Equity Office and the Office of Professional Development will collaborate to pilot ideas and strategies for centering equity-mindedness into New Employee Orientations. The Faculty Coordinator of Equity and the Faculty Coordinator of Professionals Development will collaborate with the National Coalition Building Institute "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College to design equity-minded training for new hires to be introduced for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Fall 2025

  • The Faculty Coordinator of Equity and the Faculty Coordinator of Professionals Development will collaborate with the National Coalition Building Institute "Train the Trainers" program at De Anza College to implement equity-minded training for new hires for all New Hire Orientations.

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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