Develop an Equity Rubric

Equity Plan Re-Imagined: Identify the key characteristics of an equity-minded institution by using self-assessment tools such as the Denver University Inclusive Excellence Toolkit or the NERCHE.

Action Plan: Review existing rubrics from agencies and determine if any can be used at De Anza.

Lead: Michelle Hernandez

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

EAC to review existing rubrics from agencies and determine if any can be used at De Anza, including the USC Equity rubric. Find and review rubrics in Spring 2024.

Meetings to formulate the Equity Rubric (Shaila)

Met in person on June 14th to work on the draft.

Met on July 3rd to finalize the draft with Christina, Felisa, Adriana, Shaila, and Michelle.

The next step is to have the lawyers look at the draft over the summer of 2024. Equity Rubric for Decision Making.docx

Fall 2024

EAC to revise and refine rubric in Fall 2024. EAC to look at scope and language of the tool, to apply feedback from district's lawyers, and to clarify and write up a document about how to apply the tool. At the end of fall 2024, a draft of the rubric with instructions on how, where and when to use it will be ready to share with campus groups; namely shared governance groups and affinity groups. Establish accountability and record keeping processes.


Winter 2025

EAC to establish a mechanism by which to receive feedback from campus areas and groups and to share the Equity Rubric with campus groups (for buy in, representation in the tool, ease of use, and support needed in utilizing the tool). EAC to name committee liaisons to approach affinity groups (DALA, BFSA, LGBTQ (?), APASA) to share and discuss the equity rubric. The Associate Dean-Learning Communities, Dean-Equity & Engagement, and Vice President of Instruction will initiate discussion and hear feedback from Senior Staff and Managers regarding the Equity Rubric.

Initial feedback from these areas will be incorporated prior to sharing with shared governance groups (Academic Senate, Classified Senate, DASG, RAPP, Campus Facilities (?).

Spring 2025

Identify entities who will volunteer to pilot the Equity Rubric process.

Examples: Career Fair, DASG events, HEFAS Summit, Partners in Learning Conference, Office of Equity events, etc.

Fall 2025

EAC on behalf of the Equity Rubric Committee to finalize and seek formal adoption from College Council of the rubric.

Work with the Office of Communications to develop a communication plan to the campus about the Equity Rubric.

EAC will refine (if necessary) the process for accountability and record keeping.

Winter 2026

Review, workshop and revise (if needed) during the Equity Retreat. Standing agenda item on the Equity Retreat Agenda.

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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