Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change
Increase Capacity for Effective Campus Governance

Increase understanding of shared governance representative of institutional planning and decision-making processes, and build their capacity for increased engagement with shared governance.

Lead: RAPP Tri-Chairs

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Work with the Office of Professional Development, Senates and Office of Institutional Research and Planning to create a presentation that can be offered in fall to all new governance members. Focus is on institutional planning, key documents and how decisions are made. Offer the training in the first or second week of the quarter. Possibly make it mandatory.

Winter 2025

Evaluate the effectiveness of the training in the fall.

Spring 2025

In the spring, develop an additional training for those on campus who may be interested in shared governance by intimidated or not know enough. The training will provide an overview of shared governance and decision-making processes.

Fall 2025

Refine and continue to offer the fall training.

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Refine and continue to offer the spring training.

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Refine and continue to offer the spring training.

Fall 2027

Refine and continue to offer the fall training.

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