RSI Training Locations: Sept. 19, 2024

Here are the locations for faculty RSI training on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Please check this list and report to the location for your Village. (If your Village has two locations listed, please go to the location for your last name.)

Artistic Expression L-24
Business and Finance L-22
Health and Life Sciences – last name begins with A-J L-23
Health and Life Sciences – last name begins with K-Z L-31
Language and Communication – last name begins with A-J L-27
Language and Communication – last name begins with K-Z L-34
Physical Sciences and Technology – last name begins with A-J L-32
Physical Sciences and Technology – last name begins with K-Z L-33
Social Sciences and Humanities – last name begins with A-J L-26
Social Sciences and Humanities – last name begins with K-Z L-25
students sitting around table and waving

Villages by Subject

Artistic Expression

  • Art
  • Dance
  • Film and Television
  • Graphic and Interactive Design
  • Music
  • Photograpy
  • Theater

Business and Finance

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Real Estate

Health and Life Sciences

  • Biological Sciences
  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental Studies
  • Health
  • Health Technologies
  • Human Development
  • Kinesiology
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition

Language and Communications

  • Communication Studies
  • English
  • English as a Second Language
  • Journalism
  • Public Relations
  • Linguistics
  • World Languages

Physical Sciences and Technology

  • Astronomy
  • Automotive Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science and Information Systems
  • Design and Manufacturing Technologies
  • Engineering
  • Geology
  • Mathematics
  • Meteorology
  • Physics
  • Project Management

Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Administration of Justice
  • Anthropology
  • African American Studies
  • Asian American and Asian Studies
  • Chicanx/Latinx Studies
  • Child Development and Education
  • Comparative Ethnic Studies
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Global (International) Studies
  • History
  • Humanities
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies
  • Paralegal Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Faculty RSI Training

Under the memorandum of understanding that was negotiated between the Faculty Association and administration in June 2024, all faculty members who are teaching any portion of their class asynchronously online must complete RSI training.  

Faculty members who are not teaching online or hybrid but are required to do J1 evaluations (e.g. chairs, schedulers, tenure review committee members) that might contain an asynchronous online component must also complete RSI training.  

Part 1 of the training includes sessions on two days: Wednesday (district Opening Day) AND Thursday (college Opening Day)

  • Full-time (including Article 18) faculty members: Must complete training at both the district AND college Opening Day sessions.
  • Full-time faculty members who are on approved leave for fall:  May complete RSI training at a later date. More details to follow.
  • Full-time faculty members who have ADA accommodations (approved through the district Human Resources office): More details to follow.
  • Part-time faculty members: Are encouraged to attend both days of Opening Day RSI training if possible, but may  complete training at a later date if not able to attend.
  • Article 19 faculty members:  Are encouraged to attend both days of Opening Day RSI training if possible, but can complete training at a later date if not able to attend. In order to be paid for RSI training, you must revise your Article 19 paperwork to include any compensation that results from RSI training, and you need to ensure that total compensation for the year does not exceed your maximum allowable annual compensation.

Part 2 of the training is also required and will be scheduled during the upcoming year. More details will be shared soon.

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